Give Back Better: Empower Your Board Members to Become Your Brand Ambassadors

Exploring Multiple Ways to Maximize Your Kids’ Chance Board Members

Give Back Better: Empower Your Board Members to Become Your Brand Ambassadors

Give Back Better: Empower Your Board Members to Become Your Brand Ambassadors

Exploring Multiple Ways to Maximize Your Kids’ Chance Board Members

The June 15th, 2021, Give Back Better webinar laid out a step-by-step plan to ensure you are maximizing your Kids’ Chance Board Members and sharing the Kids’ Chance brand in a uniform and meaningful way. Dana Genheimer, the Co-Chair of the Community Engagement Committee and President-Elect for the KCOA Board of Directors, who is currently the Vice President of Client Experience at Key Risk (a Berkley Company), led the discussion with 21 Kids’ Chance State organizations.

Key Take-Aways

Engagement on multiple levels is the key to success in creating solid Brand Ambassadors. Here are some helpful tips and tools to use in this process.

  1. Engage with your National Organization; Subscribe to the KCOA Newsletter to stay up to date
  2. Engage with your Network; Make sure your LinkedIn Profile included your role with Kids’ Chance. Wear your Kids’ Chance lapel pin, share when you get a platform, add Kids’ Chance to your business card, share Kids’ Chance resources with your friends and colleagues.
  3. Engage at Work; Ask for financial support and student referrals, host a jean day, ask about a third-party fundraiser.
  4. Engage on Social Media; Like, share, follow, and repost content. Make the most of social media; KCOA uses the following social media platforms: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. Make the most of Hashtags; KCOA us the following hashtags: #KidsChance, #giveback, #scholarships and #moremoneyformorekids
  5. Make the most of Kids’ Chance Awareness Week; Remember to post, like and share as much as possible. Use KCOA pre-created content.
  6. Share Information about the Planning for the Future Program and Workers’ Memorial Day. These are national initiatives that can lend credibility and support to the work you are doing.
  7. Attend the National Conference to network and share ideas with other state organizations. Relationships are key.  Commit to building strong ones.
  8. Remember to share your “why” to increase awareness and help your organization achieve its goal for “More Money for More Kids”.

Refer to the for even more information and these and other ideas! Here are some important links to use as a Quick Reference Guide:

It is important to remember that your board is one of the best assets you have in sharing brand awareness for your state organization.  They are organically connected to the people your organization serves.  Their networks are the best place to go to ask for financial support and student referrals.Overall, be very cognizant of what you are really trying to accomplish. Align your outreach to maximize visibility at existing industry events. Get to know your board members by seeking a holistic view of their “why” and use this information to ensure you are providing the tools they need to share the Kids’ Chance brand and messages uniformly. Be open to new ideas as you create new partnerships in our post-pandemic ecosystem. Dare to be innovative in your mission and bold in your approach.


Learn more about Kids’ Chance of America and the upcoming Give Back Better webinars, our dynamic forum for state education that builds on the best experiences, skills, and tools we all have to offer.