Emergency Grant

Experiencing a tough time? Apply for additional funding so you can still meet your mission.

Emergency GrantProgram
Due to the generosity of our partners and supporters, Kids’ Chance of America provides all state organizations in good standing with a uniform distribution at the Kids’ Chance National Conference each year.

But we know that challenges come along, including challenges you didn’t expect.

Kids’ Chance of America established the Emergency Grant Program to assist state organizations that are having trouble meeting the needs of their scholarship applicants due to unusual or unforeseen circumstances. 

Apply for a Grant

The deadline to apply for the Emergency Grant Program is November 1, 2025.
Apply Today

How it Works

Member organizations must be in good standing to be eligible to apply to the Emergency Grant Program – when they submit the application and at the time of the award.

Kids’ Chance of America reviews and evaluates each grant application based on the criteria and requirements listed below. The committee’s decision is final. The amount of money available will vary according to KCOA’s available funds and the number of applicants. Funds requested must be used for scholarship awards for the 2023-2024 academic year.

What You Can Fund

Grant funds may only be used for scholarships, room, board, books, and fees for qualified students under the applicable rules of the applicant’s state organization and must be distributed by the state organization within 12 months of receipt. The member organization may not use the funds for organization overhead.

The Criteria 

The following criteria will be considered in the decision to allocate supplemental funding:
  • Applicant’s description of unusual or unforeseen circumstances leading to the need for additional scholarship funding for the 2023-2024 academic year. There must be documented reasons for needing emergency supplemental funding, such as a significant increase in scholarship applicants, an applicant applying after scholarship awards have been disbursed, an unforeseen decrease in funds raised by the organization, etc.
  • Applicant’s ability to continue the level of scholarship support even when experiencing a recent increase in qualified applicants or decrease in revenues.
  • Applicant’s ability to address shortfalls in current awards given in 2023-2024 scholarship cycle that did not fulfill the needs of their recipients.
  • Applicant’s ability to increase 2023-2024 scholarship awards to the national average award amount of $3,000 annually.